88% нейлон, 12% эластан
100% хлопок
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Она никогда не была скомпрометирована — и этим снискала уважение среди других байкеров. Честная. Гордая. Всегда вежливая, но не лезет за словом в карман. Идеальная кандидатура на главную роль в фильме про уличные гонки. Или про большую любовь…
Радар зафиксировал превышение скорости. Скорости, с которой ты влюбишься в неё до беспамятства.
Уличная гонщица
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Открой для себя новые образы и удивляй его каждый день.
Трусики «Уличная гонщица» (XS)
When we first checked out our new headphones, we noticed the box said “improved bass”. We had to wonder if this was marketing jargon or the real thing? But it only took a moment to realize that bass was not kidding.
Трусики «Уличная гонщица» (S)
When we first checked out our new headphones, we noticed the box said “improved bass”. We had to wonder if this was marketing jargon or the real thing? But it only took a moment to realize that bass was not kidding.
Трусики «Уличная гонщица» (M)
When we first checked out our new headphones, we noticed the box said “improved bass”. We had to wonder if this was marketing jargon or the real thing? But it only took a moment to realize that bass was not kidding.
Трусики «Уличная гонщица» (L)
When we first checked out our new headphones, we noticed the box said “improved bass”. We had to wonder if this was marketing jargon or the real thing? But it only took a moment to realize that bass was not kidding.